The time I'm spending on my mat is giving me much needed mental relief. More than anything, I find I am accepting my body and my mental state in a way I couldn't before I returned to yoga. With the help of gentle, guiding instructors, I feel a sense of calm that has come over me. It's difficult to face your reality when you give up drugs or alcohol. People often wake up to a nightmare of destruction: social life, work life, finances. But, on your mat, you can be free to accept the very place you are at, right there in that moment. With all the angst, regret, and the memory of how you may have failed, you can still step onto that mat and know you are a being that belongs to the multicolored tapestry of humanity. Do you feel unlovable? Unloved? You are not. Take a breath, deep into your lungs. Turn inward and remind yourself that this moment is your life. Love it and forgive yourself.
I have decided to blog about my practice of yoga as the primary source of therapy for recovery. I hope this blog will be a place of inspiration and refuge for all who suffer with mental illness, addictions, and other compulsive disorders. I have struggled with depression and addictive/compulsive disorders all my life. Only recently I have found good recovery from severe depression and alcohol dependence.
About Me

- Evi
- I have completely overcome eating disorders which emerged during my young womanhood, and I have also overcome addiction to cigarettes and marijuana. I am not interested in 12-step approaches to treatment for addictions. However, I do support Moderation Management as a beneficial therapeutic community, and I have found members of that group to be loving, supportive, patient, and kind. Feel free to email me at