Saturday night, in lieu of dinner and a movie, my husband and I decided to practice yoga together in our home. I am a more experienced yogi so I led the session and he followed. We practiced in unison without speaking to one another and the session went on for an hour and a half! We played the most lovely music and candles were lit all around us. It was so beautiful. As I was setting my intention, hands in prayer before my heart, I couldn't think of the word I wanted. I knew it was love and something about joining with him in a spiritual way, but I couldn't think of a name for the intention. I realized finally that the word I was searching for doesn't exist. There is no linguistic equivalent for the kind of unity I felt at that time. So I kept this nameless intention throughout the session. It was blissful, restorative, spectacular! My husband has been a dear friend and partner to me, supporting me completely in my struggle to cope with alcohol problems. He has nurtured me and loved me when I felt worthless and unloveable. I am dedicating my practice today in profound appreciation for what he has given me all these years.
Love Love Love